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The Devo:

Most of us would like to receive a prophetic word. A word given to us through Holy Spirit from the heart of God that ministers to us.  I have been blessed to have received many prophetic words over the years.

One in particular was regarding my husband.

It did not happen right away, it took some time, but I am blessed beyond measure in the fulfillment of that word.  He was well worth the wait and the contending for him in the spirit.

The other is equally a blessing, giving a word to someone else. After the first few times I heard the prophetic, I was in awe,

1 Cor. 14:1 "Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy". 

I asked the Lord if He would use me. It is a gift from Him. I have been very nervous when giving a word, but my desire to steward the gift and honour Him, outweighs the nervousness.

Have you ever pondered, what if God spoke directly to your spirit, directly to you, gave you a word to bless others, would you be willing?

Allow me to encourage you not to be afraid to take that step, to take that risk, to receive and to bless. I started with bringing one word, or one picture that I was seeing, then a sentence. Even if it did not make complete sense to me, most times it was only a part of the message He wanted to bring by several pieces being brought together by others.

Let's activate: (this will be separate from the prophetic postcards below)

  • Sit for a few minutes in quietness with the Lord, ask Him to place someone on your heart
  • Then ask for a word of encouragement to give them.  It may be a word, or it may also be accompanied with a picture, then write it out and bless them.
  • Now, here's the challenging part, don't wait. Send it now. Be brave, be bold, just do it in love. 

Declaration: Today,

  • I will by the power of the Holy Spirit bring life to someone.
  • I will not let fear or doubt disable what Holy Spirit wants to do through me.
  • I will be brave, because I am filled with faith.
  • I hear well, see well and have a heart filled with compassion to reach out to whoever God places on my heart. 

Prophetic Post Cards: 1. Pick one of the Postcards. 2. Ask Holy Spirit who this is for? 3. Look at the card and ask Holy Spirit for a prophetic word or a word of encouragement for them. 4. Right click on the image, download to your pictures. 5. Text or email the picture to them with your word. 

New: Extra bible reading

Click the links below to read the scriptures that show the prophetic in use or how to use it

Prayer Video (1min): Find a quiet prayer and receive. 

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