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The Devo:

One thing I am often surprised about, is how often we can lie to ourselves.

Have you ever come to some conclusion in your mind about how someone feels about you? Or how some mistake you made has tainted everyone's view of you? Satan loves to jump on those moments and encourage us to be hard on ourselves or convince ourselves that people don’t like us. And once we get to that point, Satan often doesn’t even have to do anymore work because we’ve already chosen to believe those lies.

One of the most powerful counters to lies I have experienced, is encouragement.

In our Young Adults group we love to activate the power of encouragement. We’ve done it in many ways, but one of my favourites is something called a Hot Seat. God will highlight someone to me or one of my leaders and we’ll put them in a seat in front of everyone. Then we take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit for an encouraging word for them. Sometimes people share prophetic words or words of knowledge that will be a great blessing to the person. But the thing I have seen time and time again completely change someone’s life, is the power of an encouraging word. We have had people sit in that chair thinking to themselves that nobody loved them, or that people didn’t enjoy their company. Then all of the sudden we have 7 people give them an encouraging word about how much they mean to them, or how they’ve always loved seeing them, or how they always bring joy into the room and how they love their company.

I’ve seen words like that take people from depression and constant self doubt into a new way of living,

knowing that the lies they had been hearing and telling themselves for so many years were just that. Lies. The power of telling someone what they mean to you can destroy the plans of the enemy. There are few things more uplifting than hearing someone’s kind words towards you.

Hebrews 3:13 Says: “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

Every day we have the opportunity to encourage others. You never know when it could change someone’s life. 

Questions to Ponder:  

  • Am I believing a lie about myself? Ask Holy Spirit to show you the Truth.
  • What can I put in place in my life to remind me and help me become a daily encourager?

Declaration:  I am an encourager. If I am humble and willing, I will beleive God will speak a word that brings life through me today. I can't wait to see who HE will bless . I won't wait till tomorrow today is the day. 


Encouragement:   No prophetic postcards today.

Without texting, emailing or messaging. Let's engage with someone directly, maybe in person or over the phone. Take a moment or two and encourage someone around you, whether it be family, a friend, a co-worker, or even a stranger at the grocery store. Ask Holy Spirit who needs to hear some kind words today, and be a light to the world around you.

New: Extra bible reading

Click the links below to read these scriptures that teach us about encouraging. 

Prayer Video (1min):

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